About The Blog:

About the blog:
It all started on a typical and monotonous evening while I was tutoring calculus at The Study. I was perusing around on one of the work computers when I saw someone had saved a file to the desktop titled "Mouse Breeding.docx". To say the least, I was elated to find this random and obscure gem. Though nothing was written in the document, I was inspired to compose clever, out of place articles and save them on the desktop so that they might be enjoyed by someone else. Here's what I have come up with so far.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Conflict Resolution: Traveling Salesman Style

Let me paint this picture for you:
Imagine, for a moment, that you are in a serene forest with your pals -- Donald Duck and George Jetson -- enjoying a rainy day in the woods.  The three of you are frying up the last of the bacon that you have brought for the trip -- after all, the theme of the trip is bacon!  Over the ways a little, a mama bear is desperately searching for some grub to provide for her young cubs; they haven't eaten in three days!  Unbeknownst to you (and all of the bears), a clan of wild larks has been scouring through the forests, eating everything that a bear would eat.  For the last 10 years there has been a political uprising between the bears and the larks.  The bears have not been getting along with the selfish and oppressive nature of the larks; but that is another story altogether.  The bear's keen bacon senses begin to tingle and she makes her way to your camp.  You are soon confronted by the bear and have to make a quick decision.  Do you:
  • Promptly eat the bacon so that the bear will not be able to take it
  • Throw your friend under the buss (in this case, Donald is the friend and the bear is the bus)
  • Run away from your problem
Let's look at another example:
Let's say, hypothetically, you owe some bad people a healthy chunk of money.  Short story long, you took a trip to Russia with your fourth grade class.  Once the plane landed, the entire class took a cab to some famous Russian landmark.  While the class was admiring the architecture and history of the building, you got sidetracked because you saw some weird looking bird and started chasing it.  You lost track of time and location and ended up in some dark alley, all alone -- or so you hoped.   "Hey, kid," calls a voice from the dark.
"Please don't hurt me; I have a wife and children," you respond.
"We don't want to hurt you.  We only want to see if you're interested in purchasing some dirt-cheap car insurance."
You're car insurance premiums have been kind of absurd lately -- you consider listening to what the traveling salesmen has to say.  "Go on," you decide.  Three figures emerged from the shadows cast by a nearby dumpster.
The short and stocky one continues, "We've got an offer you can't refuse; rather, we would highly advise against refusing."  The tag at the end of their last statement gives you an uneasy feeling.  "What would you say if we offered you liability for 607..." *ba-da-ding*... your phone interrupts -- someone just tagged a photo of you on Facebook.  You apologize and ask him to continue.  The same man clears his throat and slides his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose.  He shoots you a quick glance -- obviously perturbed that he had been interrupted.  "607 per month," he finishes.
607 sounds like a great deal to you -- $1 US Dollars ≈ 28.56 Russian Rubles.  607 Rubles would be $21.25 per month -- a steal of a deal!  You sign on the dotted line, the three traveling salesmen take you back to the famous Russian landmark and you are reunited with your fourth grade class.  Later the next month, after you have returned to the states, you notice your credit card statement has a credit of $607 on it!  Those good-for-nothing, dastardly scalawags cheated you!  How do you go about resolving this conflict?
Do you:
  • Go back to Russia with your friend Liam Neeson (the guy from the movie Taken).
  • Cancel your credit card (repercussions from the Russian traveling salesmen would be sure to follow)
  • Sue your fourth grade teacher
Hopefully you can take some of these tips and start solving your conflicts today!

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