About The Blog:

About the blog:
It all started on a typical and monotonous evening while I was tutoring calculus at The Study. I was perusing around on one of the work computers when I saw someone had saved a file to the desktop titled "Mouse Breeding.docx". To say the least, I was elated to find this random and obscure gem. Though nothing was written in the document, I was inspired to compose clever, out of place articles and save them on the desktop so that they might be enjoyed by someone else. Here's what I have come up with so far.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

"Hey, man, wanna help me move this weekend?" calls out your pal.  You want to return with a quick, "NO WAY!" but you know your friend will demand a good reason for why you stood him up.  Unfortunately for you, you have not read this blog post, and you are lost for words.  So instead, you answer his question with, "Sure; Why not?"  How lame; or in Spanish: "Que Librerio."  Now you are stuck moving furniture instead of watching your favorite cable television program -- Criminal Minds.  I bet you wish you had some good excuses to give your friends when you want out of some laborious task.  And without further ado, here is a post to provide you with just that.

There are a few tricks that you will want to hide in your sleeves so that you will be able to whip them out when it is time to submit a clever excuse.  Besides the obvious things to hide in your sleeves that will help you quickly escape from dangerous situations -- smoke bombs, furry animals, ninja stars, flash-bang grenades, etc. -- you might also want to hide some well thought out tips on how to shake off your friend's requests.

The First Tip:
Make your excuse believable!  Do not tell your mom that you are going to be late for curfew because you got caught up running from a pack of ravenous wolves -- unless you really were!  Incidentally, if you do get caught up running from a pack of ravenous wolves, do not make the same mistakes I made!  That wolf does not want to be your friend, and definitely will not politely listen to and forgive you when you stop running to apologize for "just wanting to play fetch" with its cub.  Those wolves are quick to tear open the flesh, and slow to forgive.  Do not think that just because the baby wolf looks like a fun thing to play with, the momma wolf will be fun, too!

The Second Tip:
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ever recycle excuses!  It's like this one time: my great, great, twice removed cousin the third to the fourth power squared gave me a new 16-year-old sister for my birthday.  My first reaction -- like most of you would have felt -- was complete elation!  We (my new sister and me) spent lots of time together, enjoying every minute we spent together. Sooner or later (sooner) I found out that I got the sister only because my brother turned her down.  Needless to say, I was furious with my cousin!  I quickly "took care of" my new sister, and "disposed of" the gift on the hood of my cousin's car with a note that, when paraphrased, told my cousin to never be so foolish to recycle any gift ever again, and next time, I would not show her as much mercy.

The Final Tip:
Try to make your excuses believable, or unbelievable -- but you need to make up your mind before it is time for you to make up your excuse.  There are only 165 things I hate more (2 1/2 things I hate less) than an excuse that sounds kind of believable, but at the same time, kind of not believable.  Make up your mind before you start dishing out your excuses!  Example:
"Mr. Bob, I need tomorrow off.  I have.. uh.. to go somewhere."
"Where do you need to go?"
"I need to go to.. the doctor because I just found out I think I have cervical cancer in my face."  Bob pauses, trying to remember what cervical cancer is, and if it is possible for someone to get cancer in the face.  He notes that his employee has been sneezing for the past couple days and wonders if sneezing is a sign of cervical face cancer.  Bob cannot decide whether he believes his employee's excuse or not, and just gets frustrated.
Bob ended up getting so embittered with his employee's excuse that he gave him the day off, with full pay, and he still got employee of the month.  The point is: commit to your excuses -- either choose a believable excuse, or a not so believable excuse.

Good luck with your excuses, and remember the old Chinese adage: a good excuse chooses you, not the other way upside down.

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