About The Blog:

About the blog:
It all started on a typical and monotonous evening while I was tutoring calculus at The Study. I was perusing around on one of the work computers when I saw someone had saved a file to the desktop titled "Mouse Breeding.docx". To say the least, I was elated to find this random and obscure gem. Though nothing was written in the document, I was inspired to compose clever, out of place articles and save them on the desktop so that they might be enjoyed by someone else. Here's what I have come up with so far.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stuff Chicks Dig

If you are a dude and have said to yourself "Man, I wish there was a comprehensive list of things chicks dig," then this is the post for you! Look no further; my name is Cliff; and I know the list.

Many people will tell you that girls love chocolate and flowers and roses and dandelions and rattlesnakes, but what do those clowns really know? I'll tell you what clowns know: clowns know how to make people not like them! Did you know 10 out of 10 historians don't like clowns? I personally don't see what is so unattractive about those clowns. Clowns come to birthday parties and make people laugh -- what is so wrong with that? They drive funny little cars -- where is the atrocity in that? Is it because they look kind of funky? Well guess what, so do babies, old people and middle schoolers; but people don't run around yelling, "OMG, I am afraid of middle schoolers named Chuckie!"

Now that I think about it, being afraid of middle schoolers isn't that crazy a notion; they are unpredictable, exaggeratedly hyper, and haven't learned the social norms of society. Sometimes they can be terrors! I'm pretty sure if I had to choose between spending the day with a clown or a middle schooler, I would choose the clown. Perhaps if a middle schooler were dressed up like a clown, then the general populous would have a reason to drop what they are doing and enter into a state of mass hysteria and panic. But until then, can we just let bygones be bygones (whatever a bygone is)?

Actually didn't Chuckie look like he was about the age of a middle schooler? I know a middle schooler who reminds me of Chuckie -- always running around stabbing people and haunting their dreams. Don't mess with middle schoolers named Chuckie, man. If you do, you are only cruisin' for a bruisin'! Also you're probably cruising for a dagger to the torso.

How to Get a Job

If you are living in your mother's basement, read this:

You owe it to yourself to get a job. With jobs come excitement, killer-good times and, most importantly, chicks! Chicks dig jobs! Chicks also dig red Honda Civics and brown hair and beards. But that's not what we're here to discuss today. For a full write up on stuff chicks dig, check out a nearby post titled "Stuff Chicks Dig." But for advice on the topic at hand -- getting a job -- continue reading!

Tip #1:
  • Be assertive in the interview.
    • Many people will tell you, "Exercise proper manners when interviewing -- use phrases like: 'yes, sir,' 'no, ma'am' and 'yes, please.'"  But I'm here to tell you: that does not work!  I had a friend once who went to a job interview.  While he was preparing for the interview I told him, "Friend, be sure that you are as audacious and blunt as possible.  If you are polite, it tells the employer that you are weak.  I told him to answer all of the interviewer's questions with more questions."  To my shock and dismay, my friend ignored all of my advice.  In fact he performed the opposite.  And guess what -- he didn't get the job.  It just goes to show you: you can't be nice in today's economy.
Tip #2:
  • Do some research about the company before you go into the interview.
    • When the employer asks you, "Why should I hire you?" respond with an answer that shows them you have done your homework. Say something along the lines of, "Well, if you would like your Jack Russell Terrier -- Sammie -- to be alive tonight when you return to your home on 435 Blossom Street, I would suggest you hire me on the spot."
      • This shows the employer that:
        • You are willing to make the tough call in order to get the job done
        • You have done your homework
        • You are not someone to mess with
Tip #3:
  • Grow a beard -- it worked for me!
Tip #4:
  • Type up a kick-a resume!
    • Your resume is your place to set yourself apart from the crowd! This is your place to nonchalantly mention your selfless, humble and incessant endeavors in raising awareness for aids, world hunger, global warming, baby pandas, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and orphans from Taiwan. 
    • Also be sure to let the employer know that you were the sole writer for the morally pure, wholehearted series The Waltons.
If you follow these four tips, you are sure to land a job doing something awesome -- or at least somewhere that pays. If your first interview doesn't go so well, no worries. Just get another interview and try again. If that one doesn't work out, keep trying until there are no more pets in the city; then open up your own breeding business and make bank!

Good luck!