So let’s get started -- but first, a few well known facts about horses:
- An average horse with brown hair weighs about 1,900 lb.
- Horses have two main eyes
- Many critics disagree with this, but some horses have 6 hands
- A horse has to go to the bathroom at least 4 times a day (depending on how many drinks it has had)
- Horses can run as fast as a kid in a skate park
- White horses can’t jump
But enough stalling (pun intended); here are the basics on naming your race horse. But first, again, don’t you think it’s important that you know what horses eat? Neither do I. You can feed a horse almost anything (obviously a horse prefers dark meat to white meat)! But they are very particular about what they will digest. And it’s important that you feed a horse what it wants. If you don’t, you run the risk of having to clean up horse diarrhea -- and trust me -- that is not any fun.
Speaking of things that are not fun, riding a horse without teeth is super annoying. To give you an idea of how unpleasant this is, I would compare it to riding a donkey without teeth. Yea, I know -- who would want to do that? I don’t know.
Naming a donkey is not nearly as stressful as naming a horse. Donkeys do not have emotions or feelings, so it is impossible to disappoint it by giving it a sucky name. Donkeys never win awards, either. Donkeys are pathetic (in terms of anything awesome); and so you can call it whatever you want. You really don’t even need to name a donkey. You could probably just point at it when you are joking with your friends about how stupid your donkey is.